Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Times

Alright, since this is my first time blogging ( scary!) I really don't know what I'm doing yet. So I decided that I'll start off by blogging about "firsts". I was inspired to start a blog from seeing all my friends blogs. I really enjoy reading them. I also have been horrible at writing in my journal lately and maybe this with help me write about life better. Most, if not everyone, knows we had our first baby in April. He has been an adventure from day one. I think most women would agree that pregnancy is an adventure. For me, it wasn't too different from my every day normal life. Besides worse heartburn, a bigger mid-section and occasional Charley-horses, life was the pretty much the same. I've heard the first time having a baby can be the hardest. I believe because I was blessed with such an easy pregnancy, that labor and delivery had it out for me. The adventure of parenthood started there. Since that day, we have done many "firsts" together! We have had a summer full of fun and sun! This summer has taken us to the Uintahs ( first time camping as a family ever!), Bear Lake ,Lagoon,  24th of July Parade and 4th of July fireworks. Logan has enjoyed every minute of it, as we have too. Traveling has had its ups and downs. Spending the night outside of home takes a toll on Logan's sleeping schedule. He normally sleeps 7-10 hours a night. When he was born, we pulled our first all- nighters for a while. So we are really grateful to have an awesome sleeper now! Our first summer with a baby has definitely been different. We have to adjust everything to bring him along. But all the memories we've created have made every second worth it! This new journey called parenthood is the hardest but most rewarding experience ever! I hope I get the hang of blogging soon and that it is somewhat interesting to our readers. We love our friends and family and hope you enjoy getting to know us better!

1 comment:

  1. Way cute and I will be sure to add you to my blog list :-). Parenthood is way busy, but it is awesome! Adventures just keep on coming! So exited to read your future posts!
